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LDSAMRA - Mountain Rescue Team carrying a stretcher down a mountain

Advice to Walkers & Climbers

We have partnered with Adventure Smart to sumarise advice for the outdoors and describe some of our hot spots around the lakes. Click here for more information. 

LDSAMRA in conjunction with Cicerone are pleased to announce our new revised version of ‘Stay Safe and Enjoy the Fells’ leaflet.

You can download a copy, or take a free printed copy from outlets throughout the Lake District.


The leaflet is intended to help people make the right choices before going into the hills and provide information for what to do in the event of an accident. It’s available in numerous outlets throughout Cumbria and the Lake District and would be a very helpful addition to anyone’s rucksack when they head into the fells.


LDSAMRA is looking to continue the partnership with Cicerone for future publications with an aim to reducing casualty numbers through free and available mountain safety information along with our new Adventure Smart partnership.

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patterdale mountain rescue Team waiting for a helicopter to land on top of a mountain- LDSAMRA.jpg
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